« Domaine Public – Seul on va plus vite. Ensemble on va plus loin » by François Barré, Editions du Regard



Former student of the ENA, co-creator of the Centre de création industrielle (CCI), prefiguration of the Centre Pompidou before becoming president twenty years later, editor in chief of the Architecture d’aujourd’hui, creator of the magazine Traverses, Architectural advisor to the President of the Régie Renault, Director of the Parc de la Villette, President of the Grande Halle de la Villette, Plastic Arts Delegate, Director of Architecture and Heritage, President of the Rencontres photographiques d’Arles…

François Barré had a thousand lives. All dedicated to art and heritage.

17 x 24 cm
336 pages
Price €23
Release: March 2024
EAN: 978 2 84105 432 9


Éditions du Regard



Marie-René de La Guillonnière
+33 1 42 33 93 18


Communiqué de presse (pdf, French only)