30th Bayeux Award Calvados-Normandie for War Correspondents

Bayeux ·

09.10.23 → 15.10.23

At the dawn of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day, the City of Bayeux, the Calvados Department, the Normandy Region and their partners wanted to return to the roots by offering a large exhibition dedicated to the correspondents who covered the D-Day.

For this special edition, one of the biggest names in journalism will chair the international jury, a legend of war reporting: the British Don McCullin. On the occasion of the release of a book about his work, his most striking shots will be displayed on the walls of the city.

The week will of course be marked by Ukraine and the return of the war in Europe… 30 years after the former Yugoslavia.
But the programming does not forget the less publicized conflicts such as Afghanistan or the endless civil war of the Congo and its 5 million deaths in 30 years, exposed to the Radar.

Audacious, the Bayeux Prize also explores all forms of narration and will propose an exhibition around a comic strip on the revolt in Iran; an exhibition on Ukraine made on glass plates, using a process used for the Crimean War of 1854, first documented war, and even an exhibition in an abandoned building.

A highly symbolic rendezvous in the place envisaged to shelter a future center of war journalism.


The 2023 Winners
Photo Trophy – Awarded by Nikon > Siegfried ModolaAu coeur de la rébellion birman – Myanmar
Print Trophy – Awarded by the Department of Calvados > Antohony Loyd / The Times – L’otage oublié – Iraq, Syria, Morocco
Radio Trophy – Awarded by the D-Day Landing Committe > Maurine Mercier / RTS, franceinfo – La double peine d’une mère victime de viols à Boutcha – Ukraine
Television Trophy – Awarded by Amnesty International > Nick Paton Walsh, Brice Lainé, Natalie Gallon, Étienne Dupont / CNN – Gangs gain the upper hand in war with Haitian police – Haiti
Grand Format Television Trophy – Awarded by the International Crisis Group > Edward Kaprov, Daniel Fainberg, Eugene Titov / Magneto Presse for Arte Reportage – Ukraine : un photographe dans la guerre – Ukraine
Young Reporter Trophy (print) – Awarded by Credit Agricole Normandie > Francis Farrell / The Kyiv Independent – Dans l’enfer de Bakhmout : des mois d’une rare violence – Ukraine
Video Image Trophy (television and grand format television – Sponsored by Arte / France 24 / France Télévisions > Quentin Sommerville, Darren Conway / BBC News – Sur l’Ukraine, ligne zéro – Ukraine
Regional Prize for Students and Trainees of Normandy (television) > Nick Paton Walsh, Brice Lainé, Natalie Gallon, Étienne Dupont / CNN – Gangs gain the upper hand in war with Haitian police – Haïti
Ouest-France – Jean Marin Prize (print) > Louis Imbert / Le Monde – Gaza, Cisjordanie – Palestine
Public’s Choice Award (photo) – Sponsored by the French Development Agency (AFD) > Paula Bronstein / Getty Images – The Consequences of Ukraine War – Ukraine


Exhibition > The other landing, the war correspondents in Normandy – Hôtel du Doyen, Until November 12
Exhibition > 30 years of war in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo: “The other side of paradise” – Espace Le Radar, Until November 12
Exhibition > Don McCullin, The World in Focus – Outside, Until November 12
Exhibition > Ukraine: front lines – Bâtiment, place de la Liberté, Until November 12
Exhibition > Edward Kaprov, The face of the last war – Musée d’Art et d’Histoire Baron Gérard, Until November 12
Exhibition > Iran from the revolt to the comics – Espace Culturel E. Leclerc, Until November 11
Exhibition > Reconstruction(s) – Les 7 Lieux, Until October 25
Exhibition > Forgotten stories of our country – Musée Mémorial de la Bataille de Normandie, Until November 12
Movie Screening > Les âmes perdues
Movie Screening > Pierre Feuille Pistolet
Evening Conference > Coverage of the war: new tools, new professions
Evening Screening > The Eastern Front
Grands Reporters Evening > Two years after their return to power, have the Taliban declared war on Afghanistan?
Awards Ceremony
Documentary Screening > Afghanes
Documentary Screening > Israël, le choc des jeunesses
Documentary Screening > When I grow up
Documentary Screening > Rwanda : à la poursuite des génocidaires
Documentary Screening > Femme, vie, liberté : Une révolution iranienne
Documentary Screening > Le Trek : un chemin de migration vers l’Amérique
Mémorial des reporters > Stèle 2022-2023
Conference > Front-line reporting: how war correspondents handle the pressures of their profession
Conference > Media coverage of forced displacement linked to conflict: cross-views of journalists
Conference > Rebuilding in the Middle East after a decade of war?
Conference > Supporting the press in areas of tension: a democratic and citizen issue
Conference > Sudan: a conflict under the radar
Radio Show > Fabienne Sintes, France Inter, le 18h-20h
Forum Médias
Book Fair
Portfolio Reviews
Workshop Magnum Photos – Nikon
Exhibition > Regard des jeunes de 15 ans, 15e édition – Caen, Until November 30

Photo credits

Photo © Evgeniy Maloletka / AP

Front © Siegfried Modola


Bayeux Award Calvados-Normandie for War Correspondents

Free Admission


Exhibitions until November 12, 2023


Sylvie Grumbach
Valérie Bourgois
Marie René de La Guillonnière
+33 1 42 33 93 18