It’s my Own, an Everyday Fashion Story

Brussels ·

16.03.18 → 17.06.18

This exhibition explores the fashion and universe of the Belgian duo OWN.

The exhibition IT’S MY OWN, AN EVERYDAY FASHION STORY is not a retrospective: it is an invitation to travel to a wardrobe where pieces as diverse as a surrealist t-shirt or a biker jacket, memory of a personal grammar written during 16 seasons, are displayed.
This exhibition is a journey. That of a universe where different approaches to fashion meet and question the notion of everyday life associated with that of desire. It shows the invisible, the induced, the imaginary, reveals the processes, the research, the diversity of the fashion object.
Own has invited several speakers, scenographer, photographer, florist, graphic designer, architect, choreographer, designer to seize their archives and reinvent them. Singular Paris, Nicolas Karakatsanis, Leonardo Van Dijl, Thierry Boutemy, Pam&Jenny, Lhoas & Lhoas, ZOO/Thomas Hauert, Mariam Mazmishvili, Joachim de Callataÿ are the actors of this reappropriation.


MAD Brussels
Place du Nouveau Marché aux Grains 10
1000 Brussels


Marie-Laure Girardon
+33 1 42 33 93 18


Dossier de presse (pdf, in French only)